Immersion in Competences for Companies in the Range of Industry 4.0 Topics


Project duration: 10/2016 – 03/2018

Funded by: BMWFW

Programme: Forschungskompetenzen f. die Wirtschaft

Call: FoKo Qualifizierungsnetze 2015, 3.AS Industrie 4.0


Digitalization will change processes, structures, and technologies in companies – just as the roles, tasks, and employee¿s methods of working are changing. The „new” levers for increasing efficiency and business success are found increasingly in intelligent sensors that communicate with each other via the Internet of Things (IoT), offering their services. Powerful algorithms for analysis of the resulting data allow a more targeted control of individual components and promise huge performance potential, flexibility gains, and energy savings. Processes can be better controlled, energy can be used more efficiently, with big data analysis planning becomes more precise, batch sizes smaller, and companies can develop new services and business models on this basis.

This digital transformation also poses immense challenges for manufacturing companies. To better anticipate future developments in industry 4.0 and to encourage new, innovative products and services, comprehensive specialized expertise and competency in industry 4.0 topics is needed.

Therefore, the TU Wien together with the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, the Danube University Krems and other scientific partners jointly, with other committed companies developed a future-oriented and tailor-made training measure.

In the course of the preliminarily 23 day-long planned interdisciplinary core curriculum workshops called qualification network „eNDUSTRIE 4.0″, strongly demanded, future- oriented topics will be identified together with partnering companies. Particular emphasis will be focused on following areas, where horizontal permeability of learning outcomes and widely imparting skills are in the foreground: digitization, smart manufacturing, automation and collaborative robotics; energy efficiency in production, resource-efficient life cycle and cycle management; innovation strategies, business models and design of digital products; or interdisciplinary cross-cutting issues such as security in sensor networks, equal opportunities, or rapid prototyping.

The teaching methods include inter alia conversational impulse lectures, group discussions, technical live demonstrations of best practice ideas for learning through understanding, project work in small groups, guided excursions to topics relevant model-enterprises and laboratory exercises, a scheduled hands-on hackathon, and a moderated idea marketplace as networking event.

The expected results include an increase in the research, development, and innovation skills in the companies involved through participants as know-how carriers, as well as a successful contribution to sustainable establishment of industry-relevant, innovative knowledge and new collaborations. From the border to the Czech Republic four companies were acquired in order to qualify for this future-oriented topic. Especially for this region, the increase of know- how, innovation, and networking are essential factors to ensuring business success. Participating companies benefit from this initiative by competitive advantage and leveraging existing synergies.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided to us by the BMWFW and FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) for the eNDUSTRY 4.0 project within the programme “Forschungskompetenzen f. die Wirtschaft”.


Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH

Sonnenplatz Großschönau GmbH

FH Technikum Wien

FH Technikum Wien

Technikum Wien GmbH

Technikum Wien GmbH

Donau Universität Krems, Zentrum für Integrierte Sensorsysteme

Donau Universität Krems, Zentrum für Integrierte Sensorsysteme

Microtronics Engineering GmbH

Microtronics Engineering GmbH

ATB Becker GmbH

ATB Becker GmbH

Ella AG

Ella AG



SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH

nxtControl GmbH

nxtControl GmbH

Scharf Automation GmbH

Scharf Automation GmbH

Kapsch Components GmbH & Co. KG

Kapsch Components GmbH & Co. KG

BECOM Electronics GmbH

BECOM Electronics GmbH

3F Solar Technologies GmbH

3F Solar Technologies GmbH

Kubator GmbH

Kubator GmbH

AVL List GmbH

AVL List GmbH

Fresnex GmbH

Fresnex GmbH